Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The ball's really rolling now!

Sort of! lol I've schedule all our training (maybe--Rob may have to make some up if he's out of town). Orientation, foster parent core and adoption core. Twenty seven hour and we're set! The first class is February 2nd and the last ends April 10th. We'll fill out the application at the first class, along with fingerprinting and background checks. We'll all need physicals, and then the homestudy will have to be scheduled in there sometime, and that should be about it! We really could have all this done by summer! I have no idea how long it will take to get a placement. We could get one immediately or it could take months to match us with a child. You really just never know. But at least we're moving forward. One step at a time. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. This will be priceless for your little girl to look back on when she is all grown up!

