Monday, February 15, 2010

A little something...

I was browsing eBay tonight and we made our first baby purchase! We found this beautiful crib bedding set for an unbelievable price! Seriously, 12 pieces for under $30. We'll hold off on a second set until we know what gender the second child is. If it's a boy we'll probably get him a sports set (Randy will love that!). Anyway, there's a pic of the set (it's a stock pic, but the set is brand new).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Moving Forward!

We turned in our application packet today!!! Rob and Randy dropped it off this afternoon. She gave us a few more things to fill out and a few things we missed. (oops! lol) No biggie, though. At least they can get started on background checks. From what I hear that's one of the biggest things that holds things up. Also, they can send paperwork out to our references. (you all are awesome, you know! Not trying to brown nose or anything, just sayin'! lol) They are extremely busy right now so it may take a bit to get to us. She said that just this week they've gotten SEVEN application packets! Yeah, potential foster/adopt parents! You ROCK!

Now to get ready for the homestudy! There are a few spots that still need to be decluttered and organized. Nothing we can't handle. :)

Things are moving forward! It's getting more exciting all the time! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not much to update!

But I'll post something anyway. :) We're still working on our application packet. It's HUGE!!! They want a LOT of info, and a LOT of stuff is redundant. I think we put financial information in there like four times! lol Hopefully we'll have everything together by next week and can take it in then. I still think we should have our license by the end of May. We're still hoping for our little girl and our bonus child by the end of summer or early fall!

My mom got an apartment last weekend! So she's moved out now and we can actually start getting the kid's room ready! They'll share a room (for now--we may eventually separate them, especially if they're a girl and a boy!) and the computer room will be their play room. It's not really a computer room anymore since the computer crashed and died! lol Rob could fix it, but we don't need it right now so it's not a priority. The play room will need to be painted. I haven't looked at the bedroom carefully yet, but I think it's fine the way it is. Unless we want some color in there, that is. Everything except the boy's rooms in the basement are still builder white! Interior decorator, I am not. :p

I'll be sure to post with updates when I have them! Thanx for checking in on us. :)