Friday, April 8, 2011

On the roller coaster again!

Yep, we're back on the adoption roller coaster. It's been quite a while since I've written anything, but it's been a pretty difficult ride and not the easiest to share. For those that don't know we were shut down last year with a week left before our final homestudy visit. All because of one person's flawed opinion about something. But because that person was a "professional" his opinion counted more than anything anyone else could have said. Well, we have a new professional (two, actually!) who have very different opinions and we're getting the ball rolling again. We've had lots of time to think and are going a completely different route! We'll still be adopting through the foster care system, but we will be getting licensed as an adoptive home only, so there will not be kids in and out of our home. We don't want the heartache involved with that. Some people can handle it. I've seen friends go through it and what it does to them and their current children, and I don't want that for my family. So we will be adopting a "waiting child", which means they will already be legally free. We've also decided on a child between 8-14 years old. Yes, a far cry from an infant or toddler! But for us, we think an older child will be easier to adjust to in our family. So paperwork is started, release forms are being signed, professional are writing letters, and we're working on completing our application so we can get the homestudy moving. I, personally can't wait to meet our new daughter! Are you ready to hop back on this roller coaster ride with us?